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Catch My Drift? How To Easily Manage Configuration Drift In Your Storage & Backup Systems 

Catch My Drift? How To Easily Manage Configuration Drift In Your Storage & Backup Systems 

Configuration drift happens when the configurations of storage & backup systems and software deviate from a baseline or standard configuration over time. When this happens, it
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How to meet regulatory expectations for cyber resilience

ECB claims that “financial market infrastructures should be designed to enable it to resume critical operations rapidly, safely and with accurate data”. How can you make sure you meet these new regulatory expectations?

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Outages at Airlines and Airports – Why?

Millions of air passengers in the past few months were impacted by outages in airports and airlines across the globe. Not always clear why outages occur. What’s clear is that planning and prevention are needed.

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Is Your IT Infrastructure Ready for the Next Metallic Balloon

Is Your IT Infrastructure Ready for the Next Metallic Balloon?

A metallic balloon caused a power outage in Hawaii last month. A service disruption, which for global enterprises could have an enormous cost. In the age of the Cloud, there is no excuse for a local outage to bring down an essential service. So how come in reality outages still disrupt services more often than one would expect?

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Telecom service availability

How Mobile Operators Can Ensure Service Availability

With the rapid growth of smartphone usage and the technological improvement, mobile operators are facing a real challenge to provide continuous service to their subscribers. When each service disruption can affect millions of users, what can mobile service providers do to minimize the risk of a network outage?

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banking ATM system outage

Are Banking Outages Inevitable?

Banking customers expect ever-increasing online service quality with the latest and greatest technology. However, keeping up with technology and constantly upgrading systems makes banks vulnerable to risks that can cause service outages. The way forward lies in automation.

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Making the Holiday Shopping Operation Work

Once, Santa’s job was easy. The advancement of technology allows kids today to get almost anything they wish from any place on the globe. But with the increasing operational complexity, what should retailers and IT do to make sure kids aren’t left disappointed?

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Top Content Picks 2016

2016 Top Picks

As 2016 comes to an end, we’d like to thank you and wish you a successful year ahead and present both our loyal and new audience with a list of this year’s content that you wouldn’t want to miss out on.

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The State of the Cloud

The State of the Private Cloud

The growing levels of complexity and pace of change, make it extremely hard to run a failure-free cloud infrastructure. This blog brings the highlights of our first-of-a-kind analysis of private cloud infrastructure resilience. Read through and learn how common configuration risks are and what are the top issues across private cloud environments.

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Election Day Meltdown at The Polls?

On November 8th Americans will head to the polling stations to cast their vote. Given the outdated electronic voting systems used by many of the states, how could an IT outage determine the US election?

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One-Click Resiliency Snapshot Report

Meet the One-Click Resiliency Snapshot Report

New reporting capabilities provide IT executives with immediate visibility to downtime and data loss risks. Learn about this latest innovation.

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It’s time to automate the secure configuration of your storage & backup systems.

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